Equipped to help solve HR challenges and meeting business goals such as time to hire, new hire orientation, management training, and overall HR strategy. We have a Business-Orientated and People-First strategy focus in order to prioritize your people so you can prioritize your profits.
Small Business Coaching for establishing and small business and non-profit owners.
Historically, executive coaching is reserved for a company’s C-suite level leaders. However, studies have shown an increasing trend of executive coaching down to junior level executives of many organizations, some more than 5 levels below the CEO. In the past, large organizations have not been likely to provide coaching services to leaders two to five levels below the CEO, but are now seeing the incredible ROI in terms of business growth and success for mid-level Executive/ Leadership Coaching
At Ezer Unfolding, we believe in supporting Businesses and Leadership on multiple levels, and as such, have worked to create variables options for those seeking support. Below are general pricing outlines - please schedule an initial consult to talk about what would fit your individual needs!